Prepositions of Place: at, in, on

In general, we use:

  • at for a POINT
  • in for an ENCLOSED SPACE
  • on for a SURFACE
at the corner in the garden on the wall
at the bus stop in London on the ceiling
at the door in France on the door
at the top of the page in a box on the cover
at the end of the road in my pocket on the floor
at the entrance in my wallet on the carpet
at the crossroads in a building on the menu
at the front desk in a car on a page

Look at these examples:

  • Jane is waiting for you at the bus stop.
  • The shop is at the end of the street.
  • My plane stopped at Dubai and Hanoi and arrived in Bangkok two hours late.
  • When will you arrive at the office?
  • Do you work in an office?
  • I have a meeting in New York.
  • Do you live in Japan?
  • Jupiter is in the Solar System.
  • The author’s name is on the cover of the book.
  • There are no prices on this menu.
  • You are standing on my foot.
  • There was a “no smoking” sign on the wall.
  • I live on the 7th floor at 21 Oxford Street in London.

Notice the use of the prepositions of place at, in and on in these standard expressions:

at in on
at home in a car on a bus
at work in a taxi on a train
at school in a helicopter on a plane
at university in a boat on a ship
at college in a lift (elevator) on a bicycle, on a motorbike
at the top in the newspaper on a horse, on an elephant
at the bottom in the sky on the radio, on television
at the side in a row on the left, on the right
at reception in Oxford Street on the way



Ovnis gravados em transmissão da ISS

Três objetos luminosos passam em frente a câmera da Estação Espacial Internacional – ISS no momento que astronautas faziam manutenção. Estranhamente as transmissões são encerradas após os objetos passarem.
Data da transmissão 09/07/2013

Video Original:

Como dizer “Ficar um bom tempo fazendo algo” em inglês

Hello guys!
I would like to know how can you say Fiquei um bom tempo (conversando, argumentando, etc..) in English.

Ex: “Faz tempo que não encontrava o meu amigo e ficamos um bom tempo conversando sobre o que aconteceu.”
” Eu fiquei um bom tempo argumentando o que ele podia e que não podia”

Thanks a lot


” It had been a long time since I last met my friend, then we spent an extended period talking about what happened ” … * Muito comum tb: ” It´s been a long time…. ”

” I spent a long time discussing on what he could and could not do ”

* Não confunda os verbos DISCUSS e ARGUE, falsos cognatos para a língua Portuguesa.
* Cuidado tb com a concordância verbal e preposições, na construção das frases em Português.

Beach or Bitch?

Na dica a seguir, falo sobre a diferença entre a pronúncia de beach e bitch. Para ser mais específico, a dica é sobre a diferença entre os sons /i:/ e /ɪ/. Presentes também em palavras como “sit” e “seat”, “bit” e “beat”, “lick” e “leak”, “sheet” e “shit” e outras tantas.

Portanto, clique no botão play para ouvir a dica e, se quiser, acompanhar a leitura.

English pronunciation is a mystery to the majority of learners. Some students give up learning the English language saying that pronunciation is hard to master. I totally agree with that. It really takes a lot of effort to learn how to pronounce the sounds of English.

Brazilian learners of English have problems with lots of sounds. An example is the sounds in “beach” and “bitch”. Most Brazilians think these two words are pronounced the same. However, they are not. The sounds are different. The sound for “ea” in “beach” is longer then the sound for “i” in “bitch”. Listen,

  • beach
  • bitch

Pay attention to the vowel sounds in each of them:

  • beach
  • bitch

Have you noticed that the sound for “ea” in “beach” is really longer? We say: “beach”. Now the sound for “i” in “bitch” is shorter: “bitch”. Listen to them once again:

  • beach
  • bitch

The sounds we have here, according to the International Phonetic Alphabet, are /i:/ for “beach” and /ɪ/ for “bitch”. So, as you can see and hear there really is a difference when pronouncing “beach” and “bitch”. The same is true to the following words:

  • sheet – shit
  • leak – lick
  • beat – bit
  • feet – fit
  • seat – sit
  • meet – mit
  • neat – knit
  • heat – hit
  • meal – mill
  • feel – fill
  • lead – lid
  • bead – bid

So, how about that now? Can you repeat all of them with the correct sound? Remember the words on the left are pronounced with the sound /i:/ and the words on the right are pronounced with the sound /ɪ/. I hope you learn the difference and don’t mispronounce “beach” or “bitch” anymore. They are totally different in meaning and in the way they are pronounced.

Now, if you allow me, let me give a short piece of advice: don’t give up learning English because of pronunciation. I know it’s hard but if you give up, you’re never going to master it. So, keep studying hard and count on Inglês na Ponta da Língua to help you.




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