Como dizer “Que horas você estuda?” em inglês

Ex: Eu estudo pela tarde, de 13:00 a 17:30


Vamos ver se consigo te ajudar:

What time do you study? What time does he study?
Is it in the morning or in the afternoon from 1.00 to 5.50 (PM)? ;)

Note: costumamos usar a referência de 12 horas, com variação de AM e PM. No caso em questão é óbvio que se trata de PM por ser “in the afternoon”



And also:

What’s your class schedule like?
What’s your class schedule like?
More like a University student question, since there´s not a precise schedule to them, usually with a diverse set of subjects – in a semester, for example. Hence the “like”.

What time of the day do you study?
What time does your school begin?

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